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At DJAMS, our electives department offer a wide variety of interesting elective classes to choose from. Our 6th graders have the opportunity to explore our great offerings quarterly on the Wheel and will experience four separate courses that may include Art, Home Arts, Intro to Spanish, Drama.  Alternatively they may participate in one of three year-long, music and theater arts programs including Drama, Orchestra, Band or Choir.
Our 7th and 8th graders choose from any year-long music and theater arts programs including Drama, Orchestra, Band or Choir.  Other yearlong courses include Spanish, Home Arts, Advanced Art, Robotics, Computer and Technology class, ASB, PAL, AVID or Yearbook.  
DJAMS Elective Department Teachers

DJAMS Elective Department Teachers

.Rebekah Rylant Peer Assitance Leadership (PAL)
Alison Nero AVID
Estefania Garcia-Hernandez Spanish
Ruby Lu Career Tech Investigation, Robotics, & Forensics
Larissa Martus ASB
Kristin Austin Art and yearbook
Elena Rodriguez Instrumental Music & Chorus
Megan Sigler  Theater Arts
Elective Course Descriptions

Elective Course Descriptions

6th Grade Electives

Art: 1 Quarter

This nine-week course introduces a variety of media techniques. These include drawing, painting, lettering, two and three-dimensional design, and a number of hands-on experiences. As students become acquainted with the elements and principles of art, they gain understanding and appreciation of art from various cultures as well as famous historic art figures.

Basic Computer Skills & Technology Exploration

  • Basic computer skills – touch typing, spreadsheet data entry, presentation slides creation.

  • Digital Literacy

  • Basic online research skills.

  • Introduction to basic computer science and programming concepts

  • Basic image manipulation skills.

Drama Introduction: 1 QuarterIn this nine-week course, students will learn basic acting skills, develop theater terminology, receive an introduction to theater history, and become familiar with basic stage areas. In addition, students will learn basic elements of a skit/scene and a play. Students will perform individually and in a group setting throughout the course.

Intro to Art


Student Government (ASB) - Grades 6, 7, 8 – Year
This class teaches the principles and dynamics of student leadership.  Students who are elected or appointed to leadership positions will be enrolled in the year long class.  Student body officers will perform a variety of services throughout the school year such as planning a school budget, conducting business meetings and learning leadership techniques.  Students will be responsible for organizing most student activities, magazine sales, dances, assemblies, staff and student recognition, and lunchtime activities.
This course will also teach students to develop interpersonal and communication skills, foster community awareness and involvement, and to apply problem solving and critical thinking skills to peer, social and personal situations.
Admission by application process during the previous spring quarter which includes teacher recommendations.



AVID is a course designed to guide the average student toward success in school and to teach skills that will help them achieve entrance to a four-year college. Students have opportunities for leadership by facilitating a school wide event, as well as field trip opportunities.
Note: This course is only available to 7th and 8th Graders

Career and Tech Investigation


This is a middle school level course that allows students to investigate careers and innovative technologies used in high-demand employment sectors. Students will spend time utilizing these exciting modules to complete projects and work-based learning activities that incorporate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) concepts. Each module includes the use of equipment such as 3D Printer, CNC machinery, video camera, etc. Students will also learn related software such as CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) CAM (Computer Aided Machining) and Solidworks, to name a few. This course will assist students in planning for College and Career pathways throughout high school and college.
Modules Offered (this list may change without notice):
  • Biotechnology & Genetics
  • CNC Mill
  • Computer Animation
  • Digital Audio Production
  • Digital Photography
  • Digital Video Production
  • Engineering Structures
  • Flight Transportation
  • Graphic Design
  • Mastercam
  • Programming Basics
  • Solidworks
  • VEX IQ Robotics
  • Totally Trebuchet

Intro to Culinary Arts

District VAPA Calendar

Click the link below to see All VAPA events scheduled throught the district:

District Visual Arts & Performing Art (VAPA) Calendar


Semester - Forensic Science - 7th & 8th Grade

This course may be offered as a rotation in the semester wheel. The course will focus on Crime Scene Investigation skills. Students will learn about the following topics: processing crime scenes, drawing scale models, fingerprinting, detecting blood, blood typing, blood spatter patterns, handwriting analysis, impressions, tool marks, trace evidence, anthropological forensics, and DNA evidence. They will also learn about the process of the United States judicial system and the role of forensic specialists and forensic careers.  Students do not need to have taken the course in the 6th grade wheel.

Instrumental Music

District Visual Arts & Performing Arts (VAPA) CALENDAR



  • This course is designed for continuing fifth grade students or students with limited band experience. Basic note reading, rhythm, and playing positions are


  • This course is designed for the continuing fifth grade students or students with limited orchestra experience. Students will be taught the fundamentals of music including rhythms, note names, musical terms, tone quality, bow control, and artistic interpretation.


7th/8th Band Intermediate:

  • This course is designed for students who have mastered the basic music skills and concepts presented in Band 6 and wish to continue to develop greater musical understanding and mastery of their instrument. Music of increasing difficulty will be presented with instruction designed to increase the range, flexibility, endurance, tone quality, and musical interpretation. Participation and attendance at all extra rehearsals and performances are required.

7th/8th Band Advanced:

  • This course is designed for students who have mastered the music skill and concepts presented in the Intermediate Band and wish to develop advanced musical understanding and mastery of their instrument. Students will be challenged by the performance of advanced middle school music requiring more sophisticated understanding of the rhythms, key signatures, and musical terminology. Participation and attendance at all extra rehearsals and performances are required.


7th/8th Orchestra Intermediate:

  • This course is designed for students who have mastered the basic music skills and concepts presented in Orchestra 6 and wish to continue to develop greater musical understanding and mastery of their instrument. Music of increasing difficulty will be presented with instruction designed to increase the range, flexibility, endurance, tone quality, and musical interpretation. Participation and attendance at all extra rehearsals & performances are required.

7th/8th Orchestra Advanced:

  • The course is designed for students who have mastered the intermediate music skills and concepts presented in Intermediate Orchestra and wish to continue to develop greater musical understanding and mastery of their instruments. Music of increasing difficulty will be presented with instruction designed to increase the tone quality, technical facility, and artistic interpretation of the student. Participation and attendance at all extra rehearsals & performances are required.



You may choose from the following instruments:
  • Flute
  • Oboe
  • Bassoon
  • Clarinet
  • Bass Clarinet
  • Saxophone
  • Trumpet
  • Trombone
  • Baritone
  • French Horn
  • Violin
  • Viola
  • Cello
  • Bass Percussion


Peer Assistance Leadership (PAL) - Grades 6, 7, 8 – Year
The PAL program is a school-based, peer-to-peer youth development program built upon a philosophy of students helping students. Students will  be preparing for success in college & careers by building 21st century skills in: Communication by welcoming and reaching out to other students and delivering presentations and public speaking; Collaboration by working together toward a common goal, partnering with other campus and community groups, interacting with diverse groups of peers; Character by advocating for a healthy and drug-free lifestyle, implementing strategies to reduce bullying and violence, caring for others; Creativity by utilizing individual talents and imagination in new ways, brainstorming original ideas, developing plans for projects and activities; and Critical Thinking through analyzing issues affecting the campus and community, and creating strategies to address issues.
Members of PAL are expected to serve as positive role models for the rest of the student body. As a result, students involved in PAL have many responsibilities and expectations that they should be aware of before committing to the class.
Admission by application process during the previous spring quarter which includes teacher recommendations.


Year-long Robotics - 7th & 8th Grade:

  • 3 levels of curriculum: first-time non-team students, second-year non-team students, and competition team students.


      For non-team students - 

  • Introduction to robotics and the engineering design process

  • Robotics with VEX IQ

  • 3D CAD: Tinkercad and SOLIDWORKS

  • Programming for different devices and applications (Circuit Playground Express and Android devices)

  • Introduction to AI and Machine Learning (second-year students only)


      For competition team students - 

  • Focus on tasks related to the annual VEX IQ Robotics Competition until the events are over. This competition provides open-ended robotics challenges that enhance STEAM skills through hands-on, student-centered learning.

  • Students learn independently with their teammates with minimal guidance from the teacher.

  • Robotics class enrollment and after-school meeting attendance are both mandatory.

  • Additional programming and building activities after the competition events will be decided by the team.

  • Must apply during the previous spring quarter to be part of the team.


Yearlong Spanish 1A - 7th Grade ONLY

This class provides students the opportunity to study Spanish grammar, pronunciation, simple conversation and practical expression. Spanish 1A is paced to allow for a strong foundation for future foreign language learning. This course is the first year in a two-year sequence. Students enrolling in Spanish 1A are making a commitment to continue in Spanish 1B in their eighth grade year. Students must earn at least a “B” each quarter to continue to Spanish 1B.

Yearlong Spanish 1B - 8th Grade ONLY

Prerequisite for this class is 7th Grade Spanish 1A
This class continues the skills developed in Spanish 1A. The main emphasis of Spanish 1B is placed on: the mastery of the sound system, which is basic to pronunciation, simple conversation and practical expression, basic grammatical concepts necessary in speaking and an introduction to short and simple reading selections.
Students must earn at least a “B” each quarter to be recommended for Spanish II in high school. These students will also receive course credit toward meeting the foreign language requirement for college admission. Students will not receive unit credit toward meeting the required 220 units for high school graduation.

Spanish I - 8th Grade ONLY

No Prerequisite for this class
The main emphasis of the language is placed on the mastery of the sound system, simple conversation and practical expression, basic grammatical concepts necessary in speaking, and an introduction to the short, simple reading selections. This is a high school level course and requires the same achievement level as required in high school.
Students who receive a yearly cumulative grade of “A” or “B” will be recommended to advance to the second year of language in high school. These students will also receive course credit toward meeting the foreign language requirement for college admission. Students will not receive credit toward meeting the required units for high school graduation.

Intro to Theater Arts

District Visual Arts & Performing Arts (VAPA) Calendar


This class will focus on the craft and art of acting. Through this "workshop" style class, students will learn through performing partnered scenes, ensemble exercises, and present a monologue at the end of the semester. Students will learn to analyze acting through observation and how to critiques peers and other performances. Students will also study the history of theater, basic acting skills, theater terminology, improvisation, scene work, and reader’s theatre.


This class is for dedicated drama students who are serious about learning the dynamics of performance. Students will only be enrolled in this class by audition with the teacher. Performance participation will constitute a large component of the course grade. Students will study all aspects of theatre including, but not limited to, acting, technical theatre skills, stagecraft, stage management, script writing, dance, vocals, characterization, and pre/post production planning. Critiques of movies and plays will be included, in addition to instruction in critiquing of oneself and one’s peers. Students will perform scenes, improvisation, and skits, as well as participate in at least one full-length play or musical evening performance. Students are required to attend after school rehearsals prior to evening performances.

Vocal Music

District Visual Art & Performing Arts (VAPA) Calendar 


This performance oriented group is designed for the more advanced vocal studies for solo and ensemble singing. More advanced choral/vocal literature will be studied encompassing three and four part harmony selections from various genres. Greater attention is devoted to vocal productions, intonation, sight singing and theory in preparation for further study at the high school level. Madrigals may perform at various festivals as well as at school and the surrounding community. Attendance at all vocal events is required. Choir students may also perform at solo concerts and audition for other district and area performances.
This class is designed for students with prior singing experience who wish to continue their study in voice. Greater attention will be devoted to improving vocal skills, building confidence and stage presence and interpretation of music as a soloist and choir singer with continued focus on music theory and sight singing. Songs and choral music of various styles and time periods will be studied. Vocal Ensemble may attend festivals as well as singing appearances at school and throughout the community. Attendance at all choir events is required. Choir students may also perform at solo concerts and audition for other district and area performances.



Students will learn the phases of yearbook publication through the actual year-long process of planning and completing the production of the school yearbook. Students will become familiar with the technology used in desktop publication as they develop the yearbook. They will design, create, prepare, and edit the school's yearbook. They will also be involved with cross age tutoring by assisting younger students on campus. Due to the multiple dynamics of this class, team spirit, outstanding people skills and self-motivation are essential traits for students who wish to participate.
2024 CUSD Honor Ensemble Photos 
(Click photo below to see more photos)

2024 CUSD Honor Ensemble Photos 
(Click photo below to see more photos)



The Board of Trustees desires to provide a safe school environment that allows all students equal access and opportunities in the district’s academic and other educational support programs, services, and activities.  The Board prohibits, at any District school or school activity, unlawful discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, and bullying of any student based on the student’s actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, ethnicity, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.