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Attendance Information



Whenever your child is absent, please call our office at
(949) 360-9581 the same day as the absence.
 When calling the message line, please speak slowly and clearly spell the full name and grade of your child. Also, please leave one of the reasons for the absence listed below:
  • Illness: including medical appointments. 
  • Funerals
  • Court Date
  • Religious Event
  • Personal Business: any absence not listed above. For example, non-medical appointments, vacations, oversleeping, etc. Generally, these absences are considered unexcused and it is up to the discretion of the teachers to allow make up work.


Students who arrive late to class create a disruption to the classroom  regardless of the reason the student is late. 
Parents can only clear 1rst period tardies.   Parents are encouraged to communicate with the classroom teacher when their son/daughter is repeatedly late. Since the attendance office cannot write tardy excuses, students are encouraged to go directly to class when arriving late. 


It is sometimes necessary for the student to leave before the school day is over. In this case, it is required that a note be provided to the attendance office at the beginning of the day notifying the school of the time the student will be leaving. The student will be given a Special Excuse slip that allows them to leave class at the designated time. The student will come to the attendance office to meet their parent/guardian.  A parent/guardian is required to sign the student out prior to leaving campus. When signing your student out, please bring valid identification. Students who leave campus without permission are considered truant and parents are unable to clear the truancy.


Any absence that is not cleared by the office within 72 hours (Ed. Code) will become a truancy and disciplinary action may be taken by the assistant principal. Students are expected to be responsible for their attendance record. The school suggests the following:  respond immediately when uncleared absence letters are mailed home, and periodically call the attendance office to verify attendance. In the event your son or daughter is repeatedly truant, it is a good practice to call the attendance office to verity attendance.


When your child is absent, please call the Don Juan Avila Middle School 24 hour Attendance Line at (949) 360-9581.  Please leave a message with your name, your child's name, and a reason for the absence. 


  • A = Unverified Absence
  • B = Left Campus Without Permission
  • D = Truancy Conference / Discipline Office has addressed the instance(s)
  • E = Student left school early (unexcused)
  • F = Funeral
  • H = Truant (Absent Without Permission OR Unverified Absence More Than 3 School Days)
  • I = Illness
  • J = Student left school early (excused)
  • K = Religious Holiday
  • L = Excused Absence (Medical, Religious Retreats, Court Appt, College Visits)
  • M = Independent Study
  • N = In-House Suspension
  • O = Office (Nurse, Attendance, Guidance, Discipline, Counseling)
  • Q = Unexcused Tardy > 30 min
  • R = ATS (Alternate Suspension at DO)
  • S = Suspension
  • T = Unexcused Tardy < 30 min
  • U = Unexcused Absence (Personal Reasons, Vacation, Traffic, Weather, Transportation Difficulties)
  • V = Verified School Function or Activity
  • W = Completed Independent Study Contract
  • Y = Excused Tardy